Installation ============ .. note:: ``robotpy-build`` is a build dependency, not a runtime dependency -- in otherwords, you only need it to build binary wheels. Once you have a wheel, the wheel is usable without ``robotpy-build`` Supported platforms ------------------- ``robotpy-build`` requires Python 3.6 to be installed. Our integration tests are ran on Ubuntu 18.04, OSX, and Windows. * Linux and Windows are expected to work in almost any case * OSX should work, but when depending on shared libraries there are some cases where relinking doesn't work To compile the generated code created by ``robotpy-build``, you must have a modern C++ compiler that is supported by pybind11. Install ------- ``robotpy-build`` is distributed on pypi and is installable via pip. On Linux/OSX, you can install with the following command: .. code:: sh $ pip3 install robotpy-build On Windows, you can install via: .. code:: sh py -3 -m pip install robotpy-build pybind11 -------- pybind11 is a header-only C++ library that robotpy-build leverages to easily bind together Python and C++ code. All robotpy-build projects are built using a bundled version of pybind11, which is typically a bleeding edge version of pybind11 with custom patches that have not been accepted upstream yet. .. warning:: robotpy-build does not use the pybind11 package distributed on pypi.