Generator Customization

Because robotpy-build’s code generation is intended to be a semi-automated process (except for simple C++ code), a rich set of per-{class/function/parameter} configuration options can be specified in per-file YAML configurations.

Additionally, some headers are too complex for the autogenerator to completely process, so when this occurs you must manually specify required information in the YAML file.

Most files generated by robotpy-build are customizable.


robotpy-build is designed for the RobotPy project and may contain defaults that aren’t appropriate for all projects. If you find that you need more customization, file an issue on github and let’s talk about it!

Location of customization file

In your pyproject.toml, you can specify either a single YAML file with customizations, or you can specify a directory that robotpy-build will search for YAML files.

Single file:

generation_data = "gen/data.yml"

Multiple files:

generation_data = "gen"

When a directory is specified, pybind11 will search for YAML files in the directory based on the header filename. In the above example, customization data for header.h could be specified in gen/header.yml.


The default values for these YAML files can be generated via the robotpy-build command line tool:

robotpy-build create-gen --write

This can be a good way to get the boilerplate out of the way when you need to provide customizations.


The following strctures describe the dictionaries that are read from the YAML file. The toplevel structure is HooksDataYaml.

class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.BufferData
len: str

Name of the C++ length parameter. An out-only parameter, it will be set to the size of the python buffer, and will be returned so the caller can determine how many bytes were written

minsz: Optional[int] = None

If specified, the minimum size of the python buffer

src: str

Name of C++ parameter that the buffer will use

type: BufferType

Indicates what type of python buffer is required

class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.BufferType(value)

An enumeration.

IN = 'in'

The buffer must indicate that it is readable (such as bytes, or bytearray)

INOUT = 'inout'

The buffer must indicate that it readable or writeable (such as a bytearray)

OUT = 'out'

The buffer must indicate that it is writeable (such as a bytearray)

class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.ClassData
attributes: Dict[str, PropData] = {}
base_qualnames: Dict[str, str] = {}

Specify fully qualified names for the bases. If the base has a template parameter, you must include it

constants: List[str] = []

Extra constexpr to insert into the trampoline and wrapping scopes

doc: Optional[str] = None

Docstring for the class

doc_append: Optional[str] = None

Text to append to the (autoconverted) docstring

enums: Dict[str, EnumData] = {}
force_depends: List[str] = []

If there are circular dependencies, this will help you resolve them manually. TODO: make it so we don’t need this

force_multiple_inheritance: bool = False

pybind11 will detect multiple inheritance automatically if a class directly derives from multiple classes. However, If the class derives from classes that participate in multiple inheritance, pybind11 won’t detect it automatically, so this flag is needed.

force_no_default_constructor: bool = False
force_no_trampoline: bool = False
force_type_casters: List[str] = []

Use this to bring in type casters for a particular type that may have been hidden (for example, with a typedef or definition in another file), instead of explicitly including the header. This should be the full namespace of the type.

ignore: bool = False
ignored_bases: List[str] = []
inline_code: Optional[str] = None

This will insert code right before the semicolon ending the class py definition. You can use this to easily insert additional custom functions without using the global inline_code mechanism.

is_polymorphic: bool = False
methods: Dict[str, FunctionData] = {}
nodelete: bool = False

If the object shouldn’t be deleted by pybind11, use this. Disables implicit constructors.

rename: Optional[str] = None

Set the python name of the class to this

shared_ptr: bool = True

This is deprecated and has no effect

subpackage: Optional[str] = None

If specified, put the class in a sub.pack.age. Ignored for functions attached to a class. When template parameters are used, must define subpackage on template instances instead

template_inline_code: str = ''

If this is a template class, the specified C++ code is inserted into the template definition

template_params: Optional[List[str]] = None

If this is a template class, a list of the parameters if it can’t be autodetected (currently can’t autodetect). If there is no space in the parameter, then it is assumed to be a ‘typename’, otherwise the parameter is split by space and the first item is the type and the second parameter is the name (useful for integral templates)

trampoline_inline_code: Optional[str] = None

If this class has an associated trampoline, add this code inline at the bottom of the trampoline class. This is rarely useful.

typealias: List[str] = []

Extra ‘using’ directives to insert into the trampoline and the wrapping scope

classmethod validate_attributes(value)
classmethod validate_enums(value)
classmethod validate_methods(value)
class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.EnumData
arithmetic: bool = False

Tell pybind11 to create an enumeration that also supports rudimentary arithmetic and bit-level operations like comparisons, and, or, xor, negation, etc.

doc: Optional[str] = None

Set your own docstring for the enum

doc_append: Optional[str] = None

Text to append to the (autoconverted) docstring

ignore: bool = False

If set to True, this property is not made available to python

inline_code: Optional[str] = None

This will insert code right before the semicolon ending the enum py definition. You can use this to easily insert additional custom values without using the global inline_code mechanism.

rename: Optional[str] = None

Set the python name of this enum to the specified string

subpackage: Optional[str] = None

If specified, put the enum in a sub.pack.age (ignored for enums that are part of classes)

value_prefix: Optional[str] = None
values: Dict[str, EnumValue] = {}
class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.EnumValue
doc: Optional[str] = None

Docstring for the enum value

doc_append: Optional[str] = None

Text to append to the (autoconverted) docstring

ignore: bool = False

If set to True, this property is not made available to python

rename: Optional[str] = None

Set the python name of this enum value to the specified string

class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.FunctionData

Customize the way the autogenerator binds a function.

  # for non-overloaded functions, just specify the name + customizations
    # add customizations for function here

  # For overloaded functions, specify the name, but each overload
  # separately
      int, int:
        # customizations for `my_overloaded_fn(int, int)`
      int, int, int:
        # customizations for `my_overloaded_fn(int, int, int)`
buffers: List[BufferData] = []
cpp_code: Optional[str] = None

Use this code instead of the generated code

disable_none: Optional[bool] = None

Disallow implicit conversions from None for all parameters. See also disable_none in ParamData.

doc: Optional[str] = None

Docstring for the function, will attempt to convert Doxygen docs if omitted

doc_append: Optional[str] = None

Text to append to the (autoconverted) docstring for the function

ifdef: Optional[str] = None

Generate this in an #ifdef

ifndef: Optional[str] = None

Generate this in an #ifndef

ignore: bool = False

If True, don’t wrap this

ignore_pure: bool = False

If True, don’t wrap this, but provide a pure virtual implementation

ignore_py: bool = False

Most of the time, you will want to specify ignore instead.

If True, don’t expose this function to python. If a trampoline is supposed to be generated, it will still be generated. You will likely want to use trampoline_cpp_code if you specify this.

internal: bool = False

If True, prepends an underscore to the python name

keepalive: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int]]] = None

Adds py::keep_alive<x,y> to the function. Overrides automatic keepalive support, which retains references passed to constructors.

no_release_gil: Optional[bool] = None

By default, robotpy-build will release the GIL whenever a wrapped function is called.

overloads: Dict[str, FunctionData] = {}
param_override: Dict[str, ParamData] = {}

Mechanism to override individual parameters

rename: Optional[str] = None

Use this to set the name of the function as exposed to python

return_value_policy: ReturnValuePolicy = 'automatic'

subpackage: Optional[str] = None

If specified, put the function in a sub.pack.age

template_impls: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None

If this is a function template, this is a list of instantiations that you wish to provide. This is a list of lists, where the inner list is the template parameters for that function

trampoline_cpp_code: Optional[str] = None

Specify custom C++ code for the virtual function trampoline

classmethod validate_overloads(value)
classmethod validate_virtual_xform(v, values)
virtual_xform: Optional[str] = None

Specify a transformation lambda to be used when this virtual function is called from C++. This inline code should be a lambda that has the same arguments as the original C++ virtual function, except the first argument will be a py::function with the python overload

cpp_code should also be specified for this to be useful

For example, to transform a function that takes an iostream into a function that returns a string:

cpp_code: |
  [](MyClass* self) {
    return "string";
virtual_xform: |
  [](py::function fn, MyClass* self, std::iostream &is) {
     std::string d = py::cast(fn());
     is << d;
class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.HooksDataYaml

Format of the file in [tool.robotpy-build.wrappers.”PACKAGENAME”] generation_data

attributes: Dict[str, PropData] = {}

Key is the attribute (variable) name

    # customizations here, see PropData
classes: Dict[str, ClassData] = {}

Key is the class name

    # customizations here, see ClassData
enums: Dict[str, EnumData] = {}

Key is the enum name, for enums at global scope

    # customizations here, see EnumData
extra_includes: List[str] = []

Adds #include <FILENAME> directives to the top of the autogenerated C++ file, after autodetected include dependencies are inserted.

extra_includes_first: List[str] = []

Adds #include <FILENAME> directives after robotpy_build.h is included, but before any autodetected include dependencies. Only use this when dealing with broken headers.

functions: Dict[str, FunctionData] = {}

Key is the function name

    # customizations here, see FunctionData
inline_code: Optional[str] = None

Specify raw C++ code that will be inserted at the end of the autogenerated file, inside a function. This is useful for extending your classes or providing other customizations. The following C++ variables are available:

  • m is the py::module instance

  • cls_CLASSNAME are py::class instances

  • … lots of other things too

The trampoline class (useful for accessing protected items) is available at {CLASSNAME}_Trampoline

To see the full list, run a build and look at the generated code at build/*/gensrc/**/*.cpp

Recommend that you use the YAML multiline syntax to specify it:

inline_code: |
  cls_CLASSNAME.def("get42", []() { return 42; });
strip_prefixes: List[str] = []
templates: Dict[str, TemplateData] = {}

Instantiates a template. Key is the name to give to the Python type.

    # customizations here, see TemplateData
typealias: List[str] = []

Extra ‘using’ directives to insert into the trampoline and the wrapping scope

classmethod validate_attributes(value)
classmethod validate_classes(value)
classmethod validate_enums(value)
classmethod validate_functions(value)
class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.ParamData

Various ways to modify parameters

array_size: Optional[int] = None

Force an array size

default: Optional[str] = None

Default value for parameter

disable_none: Optional[bool] = None

Disallow implicit conversions from None. This defaults to True for built in types and types that are obviously std::function (does not handle all cases, in which case this should be explicitly specified)

disable_type_caster_default_cast: bool = False

Disables a default cast caused by default_arg_cast

force_out: bool = False

Force this to be an ‘out’ parameter

See also

Out parameters

ignore: bool = False

Ignore this parameter

name: Optional[str] = None

Set parameter name to this

x_type: Optional[str] = None

Change C++ type emitted

class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.PropAccess(value)

An enumeration.

AUTOMATIC = 'auto'

Determine read/read-write automatically:

  • If a struct/union, default to readwrite

  • If a class, default to readwrite if a basic type that isn’t a reference, otherwise default to readonly

READONLY = 'readonly'

Allow python users access to the value, but ensure it can’t change. This is useful for properties that are defined directly in the class

READWRITE = 'readwrite'

Allows python users to read/write the value

class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.PropData
access: PropAccess = 'auto'

Python code access to this property

doc: Optional[str] = None

Docstring for the property (only available on class properties)

doc_append: Optional[str] = None

Text to append to the (autoconverted) docstring

ignore: bool = False

If set to True, this property is not made available to python

rename: Optional[str]

Set the python name of this property to the specified string

class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.ReturnValuePolicy(value)

See pybind11 documentation for what each of these values mean.

AUTOMATIC = 'automatic'
AUTOMATIC_REFERENCE = 'automatic_reference'
COPY = 'copy'
MOVE = 'move'
REFERENCE = 'reference'
REFERENCE_INTERNAL = 'reference_internal'
TAKE_OWNERSHIP = 'take_ownership'
class robotpy_build.hooks_datacfg.TemplateData

Instantiates a template as a python type. To customize the class, add it to the classes key and specify the template type.

Code to be wrapped:

template <typename T>
class MyClass {};

To bind MyClass<int> as the python class MyIntClass, add this to your YAML:

    - T

    qualname: MyClass
    - int
doc: Optional[str] = None

Set the docstring for the template instance

doc_append: Optional[str] = None

Text to append to the (autoconverted) docstring for the template instance

params: List[str]

Template parameters to use

qualname: str

Fully qualified name of instantiated class

subpackage: Optional[str] = None

If specified, put the template instantiation in a sub.pack.age